Why Can’t I Rely on GPS Alone on Extended Cruising Trips?

Why Can’t I Rely on GPS Alone on Extended Cruising Trips? Alternate title –  GPS; Siren Song to Unprepared Navigators By Capt. Joan Gilmore   Have you heard the story of the Swedish couple cruising the Mediterranean, who mistakenly typed “Capra” into their GPS,...

Choosing Good Crew

Choosing Good Crew By Captain Joan Gilmore   The time-honored “Request permission to board” is asked for a very good reason. Remember that you are the casting director for creating your own utopia. Be careful whom you bring onboard with you. You will be “locked...

Chartering Briefing

Originally published in SAILING Magazine   April 2015   Make the most of charter briefing 2015 April 1   By JOAN GILMORE   Paying attention, asking questions sets the stage for a smooth and successful charter Sailing    While you are in the cockpit...